Mobile App Trends 2019

Mobile App Trends 2019

Mobile App Trends 2019

  1. Increase in Android development

Android continues to enjoy an increase in their smartphone market share. So it makes sense to develop for Android first and then moving over to Apple development at a later stage. To read more about the market share you can go here.

2. Increase in directory type apps

More entrepreneurs are realising the value of creating a directory app and running the app as a business. You can read more about directory apps here.

3. Emphasis on rapid application development and launch

Time is money and the quicker you can get a version of your app to market the better. Reid Hoffman, the founder of LinkedIn, has a famous quote that gives some insight into the timing of launching you first version of your app. He said ” if you’re not slightly embarrassed of the first version of you app then you’ve launched too late”. You can read more about Reid’s philosophy here.

4. Increase in paperless form apps

It remains shocking how many companies still use paper. With a simple mobile app you can replace any business system and make it paperless. The data is then sent to the cloud where is not only safe but it can be used to power a variety of other useful applications.

5. Increase in loyalty program apps

Many businesses are getting rid of the stamp on a card loyalty system. The system has so many flaws. By moving to an app you never lose the data. Even if the customer loses their phone they simply download the app and put in their login details.


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