Newsletter Replacement ( push notifications )

The power of the push notification.

When your business has a mobile app you can replace your email newsletter with a push notification. This notification appears on their phone just like a Facebook notification. When they slide open the notification it opens in the appropriate section where they can take action like reading your newsletter or buying your product which is on sale.

With your own app you can even send a push notification to app users in a certain geography. So if your news is only relevant to app users in a 20km radius from your business then you can define this while setting up the notification. Only relevant users will receive the relevant content. No use being in Johannesburg when there is a sale in Cape Town. One of our most successful clients has an app with over 60 000 downloads in less than a year. This app charges businesses to send out promotional offers on their behalf via push notifications. This very fact replaces the email newsletter.

Most push notifications are opened by the app user. Where with an email newsletter you are fortunate if 10% of the subscribers open it. This means the shift to push notification is real and ideal. Push notifications are much less invasive than email and the opt-out rate for push notifications are very low compared to email newsletter.

People have become desensitised to emails, they seem to still enjoy receiving a notification on their phone which is probably part of the social culture brought about by Facebook. If you combine the other benefits of a mobile app with the power of the push notification your business will experience growth, increased customer retention and thus increased sales.



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