Huge Accolade For App Development Ninjas!

Top App Development Company in South Africa As Verified by Alexa

We are very proud to announce that the official internet statistics authority ( owned by Amazon ) has given App Development Ninjas a huge endorsement.

In 2014 the World reached a total number of 1 Billion websites. That is one thousand million websites!

Now at the time of writing the number of websites is officially 1, 240, 519, 186 ( if Jacob Zuma is reading this lets break down that number in easy words ) in words the number of current websites on the internet is 1 billion 240 million 519 thousand 186 and counting…. According to Internet Live Stats 5 new websites are launched every second! That’s 5 new competitors a second!

We are happy to announce that App Development Ninjas has a global rank well inside the top 0,1% of websites on the planet. Our ranking as verified by the official internet statistics authority is currently at 865 772 !!! This puts App Development Ninjas firmly in the top spot for App Development Companies in South Africa and Africa.

This ranking by Alexa is very important for any app development company in the world. As you must be able to prove your skills to your clients. If you are shopping around for mobile app developers or website design agencies. Perhaps you should have a look at their Alexa ranking. This will show you the level of credibility the company offers and if they can get themselves to rank.

To do this search simply visit and enter the website for the company. You will see that most South African app development companies do not even have a ranking. This means they do not get enough visitors to be picked up by Alexa’s bots and crawlers.

We are very proud of our team having reached such an achievement! Special thanks to our awesome clients and our families for all the support!

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