Mobile App Development Discovery Stage

Mobile App Trends 2019

When considering the development of a mobile app; in South Africa or anywhere for that matter; it may be difficult to know where to start. There is a useful process in mobile app development called a Discovery Stage. During a discovery stage you as an individual can explore options and test functions to help shape your idea and in so doing also the road map for app development. The end result of a discovery stage is that you have much more clarity on what exactly your project is about and how it will be built.

The discovery stage will define items such as:


  1. Specifications Document
  2. Wire-frames
  3. Live system render
  4. Prototype
  5. Feature breakdown list
  6. Project milestones
  7. Cost breakdown
  8. Expense breakdown
  9. Monetisation strategy
  10. User Interface
  11. User experience

These components are critical to determine before starting full scale development. If you need a mobile app discovery stage then please get in touch with us.

  • Please provide a brief description of your app or website in order to speed up communication.