Enterprise App Development South Africa

MVP App Development Company South Africa

5 Essential Features of an Enterprise App Development South Africa

While simple mobile applications are developed to provide services to users, enterprise mobile apps are the ones used by the employees within an organization to streamline and manage their work. They are used by large enterprises working nationwide or worldwide like NGOs, school systems or government entities. The workers are spread over a large physical area which makes sharing and organizing data difficult. This is when Enterprise mobile apps come into play.

The functionality of an enterprise app depends on the particular organization using it. But there are some features and characteristics that all Enterprise Mobile Apps should have to be successful and provide the best service. Let’s discuss the most essential ones that your enterprise app must have to be the favourite of your customers or employees. Contact us for a free quote on enterprise app development South Africa.

1. Easy Integration

A large enterprise needs many tools to organize its employees and production. An enterprise application for a business should have an inbuilt capacity to integrate with other platforms or tools your organization uses. Sharing of data directly between two apps will decrease the time and effort required to perform certain tasks. It will also ease the lives of your employees as well as the authoritative figures as they’ll be able to track and analyze the performance of the whole company. 

2. Multi-Platform Support

An enterprise app is essentially built to aid your workers who are in large numbers in an enterprise. Every individual worker will have his or her own set of requirements and expectations from the system. Your enterprise app must be able to cater all of these otherwise there’s no point in having one. Having your app adjusted for different operating systems, screen sizes is the most important of all. This also comes out as an important consideration when planning and developing for the future.

3. Live Messaging and Content Sharing

In a large organization, all members have to stay updated on the advancements in their company and work of their team members. Also, with companies opening to remote workers, enterprise applications are more responsible to make these conversations simple and easy. This is why your enterprise application should have a real-time personal as well as group messaging feature. 


It will be an additional benefit if your messaging service supports sending and receiving different documents and media other than text which will save employees the trouble of emailing all the important files.

4. Security

An enterprise application not only stores the data of your employees but it can also access important documents related to your company and the data of your customers. This means in case of a data breach at your enterprise application, a lot is at stake!


Your enterprise mobile application must have strict security certifications to make sure that it provides the appropriate amount of security without compromising the functionality. Users should be limited to changing the minor settings of the app that don’t expose them to any threats. Your enterprise mobile app must provide all users with a sense of safety and confidence.

5. Cloud Services

With a lot of users, comes a lot of data. Saving that data on your server or PC can get messy. That is why most enterprise applications use cloud storage for saving and sharing the enormous amount of data to the company owners, employees and customers, on the go. This also makes your mobile application lightweight and your users will have no problem downloading and keeping it on their phones. So, an enterprise mobile app should be built keeping cloud storage capabilities, in mind.

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