Build Lean, Get Feedback First

When you decide to build a digital business like a website or a mobile app, it is easy to go round in circles fine tuning and over engineering the product. In most cases you are adding features or changing design that does not matter to whether people will be willing to pay for your service. It has been said if you wait until your product is “perfect” to launch it then you have wasted precious time to get feedback and to change your strategy based on that feedback. Get a good lean version of your app ready to be tested by paying clients who can provide feedback. The requirements they may ask for is likely to be something that was not even on your radar and that is why it is crucial to test the market before wasting time and money on adding features not needed by the users. Do the research, determine the core components of your app. Build it. Test it. Then revise the product road map based on actual feedback from actual customers. If you think about the cost involved in setting up a traditional business like a tiny coffee shop and testing it for commercial success. Then you will be able to test 10 app ideas for the same cost as that little coffee shop experiment. We strongly advise you first build a good looking, solid MVP. This will save time, money and improve your chances of success.

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