Windows 10 Review *updated*

We took the plunge over the long weekend and have upgraded all our Windows machines to the newly released Windows 10 operating system.

So far these are our thoughts on the new system. I give you, the official App Development Ninjas Windows 10 review….

Things we love (so far):

  • New quick access view in File Explorer. Quicker access to the files we use the most…
  • New virtual desktops and task view. Absolutely brilliant feature for those of us who like to multitask….
  • Ability to schedule restarts. Finally, we can do our updates when they suit us!
  • New keyboard shortcuts. Nifty new commands to quickly use the new features…so far so good, it already feels like I’ve known these key strokes forever… (find a list of the new shortcuts here)
  • New notification centre. Instead of once off messages that disappear forever, the new notification centre actually lets you manage your notifications which finally makes them quite powerful…

Things we don’t like at all:

  • Cortana not available for our language / region settings. Hurry up already!
  • Batttery life. We have noticed a definite impact on battery life of our devices. Not the end of the world but we’re hoping to see improvements with updates.
  • Driver issues. We have had two separate instances where drivers have failed post upgrade. One case involved audio drivers, the other network drivers that affected WiFi. Both of these required quite technical steps to repair. This is potentially a big issue for the lay user…I actually shudder to think what this would mean to my parents for example. Until these issues are reported to have been solved I certainly wouldn’t recommend the upgrade to anyone who isn’t appropriately tech savvy to navigate driver updates, repairs or reinstalls.

Our jury is still out on the highly anticipated Edge browser. So far we agree that we like the web note feature which allows you to write over a webpage with a selection of highlighters and share these screenshots. I have Edge set as my default browser right now (its on trial!)…I’m hoping I am so impressed that I don’t automatically switch back to Chrome in the next few days….watch this space!

We have noted many, many positive reviews across the web but we look forward to getting closer acquainted with the new system to make up our own minds on what we think. We will keep this post updated as we go and hope that it becomes something useful for the average user out there looking to identify cool new features of the system.


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