An App We Love!

Yummy Deals Restaurant Specials App


Yummy Deals is a fantastic app for people who love saving money and eating out without any admin to do so.

Complexity is the enemy of execution. This means if you first have to jump through hoops before you can enjoy a restaurant special then you would rather skip it and probably end up at Spur. ( we love Spur by the way, but there are hidden gems you will find once you use Yummy Deals )


So in short, we built Yummy Deals in January 2015. It was a fun project and an ongoing labour of love from us as App Development Ninjas and the owner of Yummy Deals.

Since the launch the app has been updated daily with restaurant specials of a specific kind. What kind? The kind that do NOT require any form of redemption. Meaning you as the customer do not need to print or provide a voucher or coupon. You do not need to “check in” and present a QR Code to the restaurant. You do not need to mention Yummy deals. Yummy Deals shows you no admin restaurant specials. So all you need to do is go and enjoy it. That is it!


There are hundreds of great specials inside the free Yummy Deals app.


Also a big benefit in the app is that Franchises are listed. You can find your nearest Panarotti’s and view their menu inside the app.


Then we also looked after the Take Away side of things. Inside the Yummy Deals app you will see your favourite take away spots and again they are ranked from nearest to furthest from you location. You can view the take away menu and then phone ahead and then use the app to drive straight to the outlet.

An app packed with value and that instantly saves you money by informing you.


Download it for free by doing a search for “Yummy Deals” in your app store. Available on all smart devices including iPad.


All the best,


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