App Store Ranking South Africa

App Store Ranking South Africa

App Store Ranking South Africa is part of ASO (app store optimisation). According to the “Mobile Report 2017” 70% of South Africans browse the internet from their phones. The amount of time people spend using their phones has also increased. 18% of South Africans are using their phones for more than 5 hours a day. Very little of that has to do with making phone calls. This shift is also sending South Africans to the App Store on their device. In the app store, the same as on Google, the listings are ranked by relevance. So the same way it is important to try be on page 1 of Google for your website. It is also now very important to rank as high as possible in the App Stores ( Google Play & Apple ).

What has been very interesting to see is how quickly some of our apps go to the very top of the App Store within a month. This was the case for the apps: Cheap Flights South Africa, Factory Shops SA, Yummy Deals. App Store Ranking South Africa is something that can be learnt but you have to stay on top of the Google Play Algorithms.


Cheap Flights South Africa

The name of the app is an autocomplete search term in the App Stores. When we first published this app in May 2015 it started at position 35 in Google Play. Within 1 month it received the top spot and it has retained that honour.


Factory Shops SA

At first when we published this app, when you would search for it there was no autocomplete suggestion. Then to make matters worse you would first see about 20 games for kids that have to do with factories. In this case, the client started advertising on a well known Facebook page and soon the app became a search term autocomplete and ranked at number 1. This is a great result for App Store Ranking South Africa.

Yummy Deals

This app is all about your nearest restaurant specials. So ideally you want the app to be at the top of the App Stores when someone searches for “restaurant specials”. Well, it took a few months as there are some pretty strong competitors wanting to rank for that search term like Zomato. See below a 3rd place in Google Play and a 1st place in the Apple App Store. Also good to see one of our other apps Child Friendly come in at 7th place as the app also contains content regarding restaurant specials for kiddies. Contact us if you need a quote for a restaurant specials app.

Cheap Flights Kenya

This app also ranks at the top of the Google Play Store.

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