Conference or Event Apps

Conference or Event Apps

We were recently contacted by an Events Management company based in Cape Town. They are currently putting together a national sales conference for a large FMCG concern. Mobile apps are quite incredible when used at a conference for a conference. The following are some of the huge benefits for a Conference or Event mobile app:

  1. Delegate profile ( delegates / attendees can register after downloading the app and then enjoy an enhanced conference experience )
  2. Instant messaging between delegates ( imagine being at a national sales conference and being able to message other delegates as well as speakers. Certainly a good ice breaker and makes for improved communication and thus increases organisational cohesiveness )
  3. Rate a speaker ( delegates can rate speakers out of 5 for their overall performance and even leave feedback. Also, if needed, it can be done anonymously )
  4. Offline content ( even when there is no wifi or 3G signal delegates will be able to view content such as word documents, spreadsheets and pdf’s etc. )
  5. Push notifications ( send all delegates notifications to their devices. This can be to remind them of inform them of conference related matters )
  6. Event schedule ( Detailed schedule on the device allows delegates to know exactly when they are needed where and what will be happening )
  7. Social engagement ( the homescreen of the app is an activity feed where you can see updates from fellow delegates and speakers much like twitter. This is an amazing piece of tech and is a game changer for conferences or events )
  8. Polls ( attendees can take quick polls on the device and thus valuable feedback is harvested )
  9. Networking ( the app shows delegates who else is around them and thus promotes networking)
  10. Personalised agenda ( users can create and customise their agenda )
  11. Maps ( users can view map locations of the conference venue as well as a map of the compound where the event is being held )
  12. Webview ( display any webpage within the app )
  13. Leaderboard ( one of the coolest features of the app. Delegates can earn points for doing things like meeting the CEO. The conference leaderboard is displayed within the app and it not only increases conference engagement but it ads a whole lot of fun to the event. It thus makes it very easy to identify the key influencers at the conference )

For a visual representation of the app. Please view the video below.

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