Convert Online Shop to Mobile App

Convert Online Shop to Mobile App

You have a succesful website and selling items through WooCommerce or Shopify, but you are missing out on sales because you don’t have a native mobile app that syncs perfectly with your website. By syncing I mean that should a change be made on the website database that it reflects in real time on the mobile app. It also refers to the user journey, where some shoppers might start shopping in the app in the morning and then finish shopping on their pc when they get to work. The information needs to be synced perfectly to provide a clean user experience.

In recent years due to structure of the most common website databases it has been very difficult to do this integration between a typical WordPress website and a native mobile app. However, as technology improves and more systems start integrating it has allowed us to offer this type of development at a reduced cost.

Get in touch for more detail on the cost to convert your online shop to a mobile app.