Swift App Development South Africa

Swift App Development South Africa

There are some interesting benefits of Swift App Development South Africa. Swift was developed by Apple in 2014 to be the prime programming language for iOS. It advances over Objective-C providing more functionality and solving the issues it had. It was described as “Objective-C without C” at the time of release. It is an open-source object-oriented modern platform for the “swift” development of iOS applications. When going for iOS development, Swift is your best choice.

Here are the top 5 benefits of using Swift for your next app development project.

1. Open-source and Vast Community

Swift was made open-source as its developers understood it was in the greater benefit of the language and the developer community. This feature has played a great role in making Swift famous in a short time. Online documentation, tutorials, and help have always been the major source for developers for learning something new. They also tend to resort to online forums to discuss any issues or problems they are facing.

You can not only share your queries at Swift.org but the experienced developers also share their work so everyone can benefit. Developers also collaborate to form new tools and make them available for their fellows.

2. Code Readability and Maintenance

Other than being open-source, Swift has attracted developers from around the globe for its easy coding and developing environment. It resembles Objective-C but you have to write far few lines and it is one of the least complex codes among existing languages. 

Swift has removed the center of all programming errors – the semicolon. You don’t have to add it at the end of every line of code, doesn’t that sound like heaven? Also, the use of commas for separating array elements is gone, so no redundant loops of [] are needed. 

You don’t need to have a separate header file and implementation file. These changes improve Swift’s readability and maintainability. As a new developer can easily understand the old code and add new features to it, updating your app is no problem at all.

3. Safer and Secure Platform

If the readability doesn’t solve all your problems, Swift’s developers have made it in a way to simplify error handling and bug fixing. Null pointers are known to cause problems for the developers. The errors that arise due to nil values in Swift can be fixed at runtime by the developers so you don’t have to go through the pain of finding and fixing after an application crash. The readability and safety of Swift reduce the need for a separate testing team.

4. Multiple Device Support

Swift is not limited to just Apple devices but also has support for development on other devices. You can develop applications for iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and Mac devices. It also supports Linux and Windows devices. The latest news by Google about its newest OS Fuchsia says that Swift will be used for development for it too. Swift App Development South Africa may support even more platforms in the near future.

5. High Performing applications

Swift provides extremely high-performance at all devices. Its first release performed 40% better than Objective-C and the latest benchmarks by developers show even better results. Swift uses FlatBuffers that increase its speed. Talking about facts and figures, Swift programming language is around 2.6x faster than Objective C. the number is 8.4 for Python programming language. There still is the capability to optimize Swift’s code to improve Swift’s performance even more.

Swift benefits the developers and the users alike, that’s why it is the first choice of any Apple developer. We can hope that Swift will support even more devices in the coming future thus increasing its usability and famousness. Read more on the cost of app development here.

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