User Retention in Mobile Apps | User onboarding

User Retention in Mobile Apps

In a recent study it was found that approximately 66.67% of respondents expressed a preference for onboarding, and this is a factor that influences User Retention in Mobile Apps. Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. From social media to productivity tools, mobile apps serve a variety of purposes. However, not all apps are created equal when it comes to retaining users. Understanding the factors that influence user retention is essential for app developers and businesses alike. In this blog post, we delve into the insights provided by researcher Bothma, R. in their 2022 MBA dissertation at the University of Cape Town.

The Study

Bothma, R.’s research focused on exploring the key factors that impact user retention in mobile apps. The study collected 1,226 responses from app users to gain valuable insights into their preferences and behaviors. The data sheds light on various aspects of user retention and offers actionable takeaways for app developers.

User Preferences on Onboarding

One of the significant findings from Bothma’s research is related to onboarding. The study asked respondents whether they preferred watching a video or onboarding instructions on how to use an app. The results were illuminating:

  • Agree: 730 respondents
  • Disagree: 173 respondents
  • Neutral: 173 respondents
  • Strongly Agree: 88 respondents
  • Strongly Disagree: 62 respondents

When we calculate the percentage of respondents who agree or want onboarding (combining “Agree” and “Strongly Agree”), we find that approximately 66.67% of respondents expressed a preference for onboarding.

This insight is invaluable for app developers, as it highlights the importance of creating effective onboarding experiences. Users appreciate guidance when they first interact with an app, and a well-designed onboarding process can significantly contribute to user retention.

Understanding User Sentiment

Bothma’s research also emphasizes the importance of understanding user sentiment in the context of mobile app development. While the majority of respondents in the study expressed a positive sentiment towards onboarding, the presence of “Neutral” responses is noteworthy.

Including “Neutral” responses in the analysis provides a more comprehensive view of user sentiment. It acknowledges that not all users have strong opinions about onboarding, and this neutrality should be considered when making decisions about app design and user experience.


In conclusion, Bothma, R.’s MBA dissertation sheds light on the factors that influence user retention in mobile apps. The preference for onboarding among a significant percentage of respondents highlights the need for user-friendly and informative onboarding processes in app development.

App developers and businesses looking to enhance user retention should take these findings into account when designing their mobile applications. Understanding user preferences and sentiments is key to creating a positive and engaging app experience.

Bothma’s research provides valuable insights, and we appreciate their contribution to the field of mobile app development. As the mobile app landscape continues to evolve, staying attuned to user preferences is essential for success.

Citation: Bothma, R. (2022). Factors that influence user retention in mobile apps (MBA dissertation, University of Cape Town).